Monday 26 January 2015

Harrow Mosque elections for truth?

The living masjid (livingmasjid) campaigners believe that they are representing the truth and that they are on the right path. This is a sincere advice to them and others:
The Salafi scholar and historian Ibn Jibrin said:
"And by careful study of these centuries: the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, and most of the seventh, you do not find anyone that is upon the school of the Sunnah"
This shows that the wahabi (also called "salafi" by the "living masjid" group) aqidah was dead for centuries and did not continue every generation. Compare this to the sahih hadith where the Prophet said:
"From every succeeding generation its upright folk shall carry this knowledge in turn. They shall repeal from it the distortions of the extremists (tahrif al-ghalin), the (mis)interpretations of the ignorant (ta'wil al-jahilin), and the pretenses of the liars (intihal al-mubtilin)." (Ahmed declared it Sahih as narrated by al-Khallal in his `Ilal per al-Khatib in Sharaf As-hab al-Hadith p. 29. It is narrated in numerous hadith collections like Tabarani, Ibn Adi, Ibn Abd al-Barr).
This shows that the wahabi movement opposes the Prophet, as well as opposes sahih hadiths. The wahabi movement is also the movement behind extremists like al-Qaeda and ISIS.
The origins of Wahabism lie in the person Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab, who led an ISIS style rebellion in the 18th century. He was directly responsible for the killing of countless innocent men, women and children, as well as attacks upon Makkah and Medinah (which he declared as "dar al kufr"). This can be found in the historical accounts of the time, as well as in the book by his own brother Sulayman ibn Abdul Wahhab (in the book called "Divine Lightning"). The Wahabi movement was considered as a khariji movement (also called khawarij) by the leading scholars of the day, such as Ibn Abidin.
We do not want wahabis to take over Harrow Mosque. We do not want people who oppose the Sunnah to take over Harrow Mosque. We do not want extremism to take over Harrow Mosque and for it to appear in the media over extremism. We say no to "livingmasjid"/"United Ummah team" (the people of which are wahabis).

Further specifically to the livingmasjid people:
You should look at the evidences and leave the wahabi beliefs. You will get no reward for trying to take over Harrow Mosque for wahabism. Come to the Ahlus Sunnah, which is represented by the Maturidis and the Ash'aris, the group which the vast majority of the Ummah followed in the past (from scholars like Ibn Hajar al Asqalani, Nawawi to Ibn Kathir).

When you have the likes of the ignorant wahabi extremists like Adnan Rashid and Yusuf Chambers supporting the livingmasjid team, and the livingmasjid (also called "United Ummah"( twitter keeps posting on his wall and retweeting his messages, then you know the livingmasjid group supports wahabi extremism.  Adnan Rashid is the opposite of "openness" and "masjid4all" that the livingmasjid group keeps promoting.
For example:

Before the elections, the livingmasjid campaigners were sending texts and videos arguing that Harrow Mosque is "peeri", "doing shirk", etc. On the livingmasjid twitter, they still promote the video accusing Harrow Mosque of "shirk". They also openly supported the unauthorised wahabi sisters circle that was occurring in Harrow Mosque. When the Harrow Mosque Sunni committee asked the wahabi sisters leader to show her credentials, identity, obtain permission to teach in the Mosque and go through the proper permissions, she became rude, refused to cooperate and didn't go through the proper procedures of teaching. The livingmasjid team took her side and presented lies to support her case, falsely accused the committee of trying to ban sisters.
Abid Khan, one of the livingmasjid candidates is also a part of Qiblah Foundation, a new wahabi organisation.
Furthermore all the wahabi Mosques in the Harrow area were openly supporting the livingmasjid group.  This all shows that the livingmasjid group is full of wahabis, no matter how much they may try to lie about that fact (this group has been known to lie, as also witnessed by some of the defections from their side).

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